About the Treatment

Otoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that involves reshaping the ears. It can be used to correct inherited deformities, such as misshapen ears, protruding ears and hearing loss.

Cosmetic Procedure

Invasive Treatment

Medical Consultation

Results After your doctor removes the bandages, immediate change is observed in the appearance of your ears and the changes are permanent.

Why Otoplasty?
Medico-aesthetic services provide many solutions to help design your confidence.
In the case of otoplasty, most people opt to improve their appearance by changing their ears’ shape, optimize symmetry, and how they are positioned.

During your consultation with our licensed doctors, you will be informed about the step-by-step process of the surgery, the recovery, and treatment protocols.

Candidates can be as young at 5 years old and results can be as individualized as the client’s goals.


How long is recovery time?
Recovery times vary depending on each patient’s circumstances and what type of surgery they have undergone. Generally speaking, recovery time lasts between four and six weeks after surgery.
For a healthy recovery you are advised to follow the below:

Eat a healthy diet with lots of protein and iron-rich foods.
Keep pressure off your ears and sleep on your side.
Wear loose-fitting collars.


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